As of July 10th 2018, IWA Publishing journals and books content moved to a new web platform, powered by Silverchair. As well as having a sleek new look, the new site is designed to provide an intuitive user experience and showcase our range of high-quality content. The new platform is also enhanced with some exciting new functionality, including Altmetrics and new usage statistic tools.

At launch, users will have received an automated email from our distributors at Turpin Distribution Ltd to activate their account with Silverchair. They were asked to add a new login and password. Please note that old logins and passwords won’t work in the new platform.

To understand how the move may impact you, please see the information below, which we will be revising and updating this page as needed throughout the migration process.

If you would like to talk to us about any concerns, please email us at platformmigration [at]



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What content is affected by the platform change?

Journal and ebook content that was formerly hosted on the HighWire platform at


Is all of the book and journal content be available on the new platform?

Yes. 100% of our content is now available on the new platform.


Where can I access the new content site?

The new site is hosted at and was made available to users from July 10th, 2018. Your access should not have been affected, but if you experience any problems please contact platformmigration [at]


How do I Sign In?

  • Visit
  • Click Sign In in the top right corner. Note – this link is available across all sites on the platform (Umbrella, eBooks or Journals).
  • The Sign In dropdown will provide the user the ability to enter their Email address/Username and Password. Note that you have to be registered first.


How do I reset my password?

  • Visit
  • Click Sign In in the top right corner. Note – this link is available across all sites on the platform (Umbrella, eBooks or Journals).
  • Click Reset Password in the dropdown and enter the associated email address to receive instructions on how to create a new password.
  • After the user receives the email, they can follow the instructions and revisit the site with their new password.


What does “June 8: HighWire admin site lockdown” mean above?

Contact information and IP address information was moved into the new system as part of the migration. Any changes that were made in HighWire (previous platform) after June 8 2018 will not appear in Silverchair (new platform).


Where can I find my usage?

We are planning on importing all HighWire usage in the Silverchair admin site in late summer. However, the HighWire admin site will be available until September 30, 2018. As of October 1, 2018, you will no longer have access to the HighWire admin site.


How do I activate the account for my institution?

  • Visit
  • Click Register on the top right corner. Note – this link is available across all sites on the platform (Umbrella, eBooks or Journals).
  • Once on the Register page, please fill in the required information.
  • Make sure you add your institution’s CU-Number on the Customer Number field. You have received an email from Turpin distribution, our customer service, with a step by step guide and your customer number. If you cannot find it please email custserv [at]
  • Click Register to complete.


I have an IWA member account. How do I activate my subscription on the new site?

  • Visit
  • Click Register on the top right corner. Note – this link is available across all sites on the platform (Umbrella, eBooks or Journals).
  • Once on the Register page, please fill in the required information.
  • Make sure you add your CU-Number on the Customer Number field. You have received an email from Turpin distribution, our customer service, with a step by step guide and your customer number. If you cannot find it please email custserv [at]
  • Click Register to complete.


I am an institutional admin and I would like to review my IP address and upload an institutional logo. Where do I go?

You will need to go to the Institutional Administration Dashboard:

On the dashboard you will be able to view your subscriptions, your IP information, download COUNTER stats etc.


What do I do if I experience access problems?

Please contact platformmigration [at] Sending questions to this address allows us to efficiently track and provide answers to your questions, making sure we direct your questions appropriately.


Will my institution have access to both platforms simultaneously?

No. Old content URLs should now redirect to the new platform and you will be unable to access the old platform.


Have the URLs changed?

Yes, the URLs for the journal landing pages have changed. All URLs on the retired platform now redirect to the new platform. You can find a list of the old and new URLs for each journal landing page below.


I have multiple administrative accounts on HighWire for IWA Publishing content. Will this change on the new platform?

Yes. There will be one user account for all of your institutional holdings. At launch account admins were asked to review their account and make any necessary changes.


Do I have the same IWA Publishing account number?

Yes, this has stayed the same.


Have my platform administrator username and password changed?

Yes. At launch we contacted library account administrators with instructions on how to sign in and update your account.


What is available through my library administration account?

You will be able to update your contact information and IP addresses, and you will be able to pull usage statistics.


Will my usage statistics for IWA Publishing content hosted on the HighWire platform be available on the new Silverchair platform?

Yes. Usage from HighWire will migrate to the new platform late summer. Usage on HighWire platform will be available until September 30. However, we advise you to pull all of your historical usage statistics from HighWire by September 30 for your archive. Usage from Silverchair will be available starting July 10th, 2018. You will need to pull July 2018 usage from both HighWire and Silverchair.


Will IWA Publishing MARC records still be useable?

Yes. If your institution receives MARC records from us, the links included will all be automatically redirected to the correct pages on the new platform from the launch date.



New Content Landing Page URLs – active from launch on July 10th

Journal of Hydroinformatics

Former URL:

New URL:


Journal of Water and Health

Former URL:

New URL:


Journal of Water and Climate Change

Former URL:

New URL:


Journal of Water Reuse Desalination

Former URL:

New URL:


Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua

Former URL:

New URL:


Hydrology Research

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Practice and Technology

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Policy

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Quality Research Journal

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Science and Technology

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Science and Technology : Water Supply

Former URL:

New URL:


H2Open Journal

Former URL:

New URL:


Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

Former URL:

New URL:


Water Intelligence Online

Former URL:

New URL:

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