Algal Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery
Over 80% of globally produced wastewater receives little or no treatment before it is disposed into the environment. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new wastewater treatment technologies that...
Trace Elements in Anaerobic Biotechnologies
The use of trace elements to promote biogas production features prominently on the agenda for many biogas-producing companies. However, the application of the technique is often characterized by...
Anaerobic Reactors for Sewage Treatment: Design, Construction and Operation
Anaerobic sewage treatment using UASB reactors has significantly expanded in the last few decades and is now a consolidated technology in some warm climate regions. Several advantages of the...
Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modeling, Design, Management and Applications to Wastewater Reuse - Second Edition
The MBR market continues to experience a massive growth. The best practice in the field is constantly changing and unique quality requirements and management issues are regularly emerging. The...
Post Treatments of Anaerobically Treated Effluents
The anaerobic process is considered to be a sustainable technology for organic waste treatment mainly due to its lower energy consumption and production of residual solids coupled with the...
المعالجة البيولوجية لمياه الصرف الصحي (Biological Wastewater Treatment)
This is the Arabic translation of Biological wastewater treatment: principles, modeling and design...
Regenerative Sanitation: A New Paradigm For Sanitation 4.0
This book proposes Regenerative Sanitation as the next era of sanitation management and attempts to provide a foundation for the study of sanitation on the premise that sanitation is a complex and...
Aeration, Mixing, and Energy: Bubbles and Sparks
Aeration, Mixing, and Energy: Bubbles and Sparks is the first book on bubbles and sparks, presenting the state-of-the-art on aeration and mixing technology for water and wastewater...
Advances in Wastewater Treatment
Advances in Wastewater Treatment presents a compendium of the key topics surrounding wastewater treatment, assembled by looking at the future technologies, and provides future...
Phosphorus: Polluter and Resource of the Future: Removal and Recovery from Wastewater
Phosphorus has always been both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, it is essential for all life forms and cannot be replaced by anything. On the other hand, wastewater treatment aims to...